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Coronavirus and your mental health

If you are worried about the impact of coronavirus on your mental health, there are plenty of resources out there to help you.

The coronavirus pandemic has challenged our mental health in different ways. With the right help and support you can get through this.

Young Minds, the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people's mental health, have provided guidance and advice on their website.

Are you experiencing any of the following?

  • feeling anxious all the time

  • low mood because of all the bad news

  • struggling with self-isolation and social distancing

  • struggling to manage my eating disorder

  • losing a loved one due to coronavirus

If so, the Young Minds charity have outlined tips and guidance on their page to help.

If you're finding it difficult to stay motivated and focused during this period, they've also created the following list of things you can do at home:

The charity Mind have also put together useful advice about coronavirus and mental health.

They have a section dedicated to those who may find it hard to cope with cancelled exams, concern about missing milestone school events and being away from friends.

You can find all of their resources here.

If you have any concerns or questions you want answered, please visit the links above and seek advice from qualified professionals.



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